Ogre, Ulex
Species: Ogre. Breed: Ulex. Class: Monster (Mammal). Align: Evil.
Gender: 01-50: Female, 51-00: Male.
Level: 21 + 1-D10. Damage-Points: 6-D8 x level.
Number encountered: 1-D4.
Experience-Points: 60 x level.
Awareness: Hearing: 20, Sense of Smell: 20, Sixth Sense: 0, Taste: 23, Touch: 18, Vision: 19,
Charisma -: Appearance: 11, Speech: 10, Constitution: 60, Coordination: 25, Dexterity: 35, Intelligence: 8, Mental-Strength: 30, Strength: 60, Wisdom: 8.
Flying: Can't. Grounded: 16. Swimming: Can't.
Luck: 0.
Oxygen-Points: 90.
Blood-Points: 180.
Attacks: Attacks Attack
Attack descriptions: per turn: Range: Damage: type:
Lrg. Club -------- : 1 1 space (5'). 2-D12 (+1-D12 per 2 levels advanced). Blunt.
Kick -------------- : 1 1 space (5'). 2-D10 (+1-D10per 2 levels advanced). Blunt.
Special: Tremendous Strike: This lumbering beast has a 1 in 8 chance of
causing x2 damage on a strike with any
form of club or kick.
Defense: 25. Offense: 35.
Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:
50+ to have 1-D4 +1.
Begin rolling on the UnCommon chart.
Check each creature for treasure.
Description: This creature appears as a huge, heavily bent, humanoid with thick limbs.
Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.
Description: Eye color: Yellow-orange with black pupils. Eye shape: Large-sized and oval.
Height: 12' 0". Posture: Biped. Extremely hunched over posture . . . almost to the ground. Hair color: Black. Hair texture: Course and straight. Skin color: Dark-brown. Skin texture: Smooth and leathery. Weight: 1,100 lbs.
Dislikes ----- : Water. Ulex Ogre cannot swim. It does not fear water.
Disposition - : The Ulex Ogre looks like a thick-boned, over-grown, stooped, version of the common ogre. This is a very capable creature, yet it is lazy, forcing captured humanoids to do labor so it can be more comfortable.
Instinctively, during the late spring, every 100 years, all Ulex Ogre gather to one place to court their females. The males fight for domination and right to take the females back to their home, adopting them into the clan. Sometimes, but not too often, a Ulex Ogre is killed in the fight for a female. If this happens, it is always left where it lays, untouched and abandoned.
Fears -------- : Giants, though will will destroy a young Giant just to get it out of the way.
Habitat ------ : Mountains (earthen and forested). This creature is uncommonly found in other regions.
Immunities - : Fear and pain.
Life-span --- : 600 years.
Likes -------- : Forcing humanoids into slavery, especially dwarves, for dwarves are strong and work hard.
Needs ------- : Basic needs of life (food, water, shelter, etc.).
Note --------- : None.
Special Abilities:
Special Defenses:
Natural leathery hide skin: Roll needed to turn certain attacks:
Acid -------- : 86+
Blunt ------- : 81+
Cold -------- : 76+
Electricity - : 86+
Fire --------- : 86+
Needle ----- : 76+
Sharp ------- : 86+
This creature has the following resistances:
Blunt weapon damage-reduction: 50%
Fire damage-reduction: 50%
Special Offenses:
Dire Blow: This creature will cause a sudden-death on a % roll of 97+.
Susceptibilities and Weaknesses: Covets gems. It will go to unwise measures to get a gem (if it knows it is there).
Weapon Susceptibilities : Rank-0 non-magical weapon to harm.